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From Gamers for Gamers!
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From our Operation
straight to your Desk

Who or What is "Desk-Ops"?

Desk-Ops stands for "Desk-Operations", which is a catch-all designation for anything relating to our beloved Hobby of Wargaming and Miniatures.

Whether it is a game-related Scenario or Mission or the "undertaking" of building and painting your Miniatures and Terrain, most of it always takes place at a Desk or other sorts of Table. ;)

The idea for the shop came from our own passion for the tabletop and wargaming hobby and my personal enthusiasm for 3D printing as a hobby in itself. 
3D printed miniatures are a lot more attractive than traditional cast figures made of resin or metal, which have the well-known production-related casting lines. 
Thanks to the latest technology, a very high level of detail can be achieved with 3D printing. This makes the miniatures a lot nicer and more pleasant to paint. 
We use a flexible photopolymer resin for our 3D printed miniatures, which is ideal for handling the miniatures while playing. 
Some products are offered through a sales license from the  respective designers, others are designed by ourselves. 
Many years of gaming experience and the knowledge gained from it in different gaming systems enables us to implement various modifications and our own designs. 
So far we have dealt with the following systems or actively play them. 
- Bolt action 
- Frostgrave
- Spectre: Operations
- Gaslands
- Blood Red Skies
- Battlegroup: North AG
- Zone Alfa - Skirmish Sangin
- Chain of Command
- Exploit Zero (formerly Hardwired)
- Edge of Reality
- Cruel Seas
and much more